A Discussion About Contemporary Social Cancer (Banned From 'Star Trek Shitposting!') - Jody Bruchon

3 years ago

I got banned from a Facebook group! Oh no, am I gonna go all butthurt boomer and cry about it on the internet? LOL, no. For some time now, I've been meaning to make a video about the cesspool of stupid that is the Star Trek Shitposting group on Facebook, and my ban from that group told me that it's time to go ahead and do it. This video explains what I said that got me banned, then opens to a broader discussion about the "social cancer" of showing up to a group, forum, or project, claiming to merely want inclusion in the group, "suggesting" changes to "make it more welcoming," and using those new rules to destroy it and oust the people who made it in the first place. The people behind this toxic behavior are known under many labels, the most common of which is social justice warriors (SJWs), but sometimes also "woke warriors" or even just "radical leftists."

Urban Dictionary, the bastion of all things right and true in this society, defines "shitposting" as: "Any content on the internet whose humor derives from its surreal nature and/or its lack of clear context. Differs from a meme: whereas a meme's humor comes from its repeatability, a shitpost is funny simply because it isn't a predictable repetition of an existing form. Shitposts can become memes, but memes cannot become shitposts."

Fun note: looking at this video after I shot it is how I discovered that my Sigma lens was damaged...

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