Spanish 103 - Subjunctive vs Indicative After Conjunctions of Time for Beginners Spanish With Profe

3 years ago

In this video you will learn the present subjunctive and indicative after conjunctions of time.

Remember the subjunctive is a probability, something that might happen.
Some conjunctions will always require the subjunctive while other conjunctions will either use the subjunctive or the indicative.

Conjunctions can be at the beginning of a sentence, in the middle of a sentence, and at the end of a sentence. The subjunctive will be placed immediately after the conjunction, so this will be the only time in which you will put the subjunctive at the beginning of a sentence.

You will notice that whenever I use the subjunctive in the examples below, all of the sentences are using "ir + a + infinitive" so they are addressing a pending/future action.

The following conjunctions will require the subjunctive all the time.
a menos que (unless)
antes de que (before)
con tal de que (provided that)
en caso de que (in case that)
para que (so that)
sin que (without)

Vamos a ir al cine a menos que el cine esté (estar) cerrado porque es día festivo.
(We will go to the movies unless the movie theater is closed for the holiday.)

Antes de que salgas (salir) debes llamar a tu mamá.
(Before you leave you should call your mom.)

Voy a tomar español 201 con tal de que pase (pasar) español 103.
(I will take Spanish 201 provided that I pass Spanish 103.)

Ellos van a llamar al agente de viajes en caso de que necesiten (necesitar) cancelar el viaje.
(They will call the travel agent in case that they need to cancel their trip.)

Para que sepamos (saber) cómo usar el subjuntivo tenemos que estudiar más.
(So that we know how to use the subjunctive we need to study more.)

Lo voy a llamar sin que me lo pida (pedir).
(I will call him without him asking me to do so.)

Pay attention with the following listed below: as they are prepositions, and as such they require the infinitive.
Notice that they have no "que" after them, unlike their conjunctions forms above.
antes de (before)
para (to)
sin (without)

Antes de acostarme (acostarse) voy al baño.
(Before I go to bed, I use the restroom.)

Estudiamos para ser (ser) abogados.
(We are studying to become lawyers.)

Ella va a salir sin pedir (pedir) permiso.
(She will go out without asking for permission.)

The following conjunctions could use either the subjunctive or the indicative.
cuando (when)
después de que (after)
en cuanto (as soon as)
hasta que (until)
tan pronto como (as soon as)

Use the subjunctive when the action is pending/a future action. Remember that Ir + a + verb (infinitive) = future
Use the indicative when the action is repetitive or when it has already happened.
Look for key words such as: siempre, por lo general, ayer, a menudo
Review pretérito and imperfecto by viewing my previous videos.

Cuando tenga (tener) dinero, vamos a comprar una casa.
(When I have money, we will buy a house.)
vamos a comprar=future=subjunctive

Cuando tú tuviste (tener) dinero, te lo gastaste en un solo día.
(When you had money, you spent it all in one day.)
tuviste=past tense=indicativo

Ella siempre me llama tan pronto como llega (llegar) a casa.
(She always calls me as soon as she gets home.)

Tan pronto como salga (salir) el último estilo de teléfono lo voy a comprar.
(As soon as the latest phone comes out I will buy it.)
voy a comprar=future action=subjunctive

No vamos a salir hasta que terminemos (terminar) de hacer la tarea.
(We are not going to go out until we finish the homework.)
vamos a salir=future action=subjunctive

Ayer esperamos hasta que ella llamó (llamar) para decirnos buenas noches.
(Yesterday we waited until she called us to say good night.)
Ayer=indicates past action=indicative=pretérito

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