Spanish 103 - Well-Being Spanish Vocabulary for Beginners Spanish With Profe

3 years ago

In this video you will learn well-being vocabulary in Spanish.

Taking good care of yourself is essential for life.
el bienestar (well-being)
el masaje (massage)
aliviar el estrés (relieve stress)
ser activo/a (be active)
ser fuerte (to be strong)
sedentario (sendentary)
la clase de aeróbicos (aerobics)
calentarse (to warm up)
estirarse (to stretch)
hacer ejercicio (to exercise)
levantar pesas (to lift weights)
mantenerse en forma (to stay in shape)
sudar (to sweat)
las calorías (calories)
el colesterol (cholesterol)
la nutrición (nutrition)
las verduras (vegetables)
las frutas (fruits)
beber agua (to drink water)
subir de peso/aumentar de peso (to gain weight)
bajar de peso/perder peso (to lose weight)

Es bueno hacer ejercicio.
(It's good to exercise.)

Es bueno hacer todo con moderación.
(It's good to do everything in moderation.)

No es bueno consumir ni mucha azúcar ni mucha sal.
(It's not good to consume too much sugar or salt.)

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