Spanish 103 - Learn How to Form the Past Subjunctive in Spanish for Beginners Spanish With Profe

3 years ago

In this video you will learn how to form the past subjunctive. The past subjunctive is similar to the present subjunctive in which it has to happen on the subordinate clause, and it depends on verbs of will/want/emotion/non-existent or the WEDDING or WEIRDO category. WEDDING or WEIRDO.
WEDDING=W-stands for Wish/Want/Will, E for emotion, D for desire, doubt, denial, I for impersonal expressions, and G for God; and WEIRDO=W for Wish/Want/Will; E for emotions, I for impersonal expressions, D for denial/desire/doubt, and O for ojalá.

The subjunctive is a probability, something that might happen.
In the past subjunctive there are only regular verbs, irregular verbs, and stem-changing verbs in the -ir ending only (o=u; e=i)

You can use the following endings for regular -ar verbs. You will drop the -ar and substitute the following endings.
que yo -ara
que tú -aras
que él, ella, usted -ara
que nosotros/as -áramos
que ellos, ellas, ustedes -aran

Era necesario que ellos cantaran (cantar). (It was necessary for them to sing.)
Dudábamos que ella dibujara (dibujar) tan bien. (We doubted she drew well.)

You can use the following endings for regular -er/-ir verbs. You will drop the -er/-ir and substitute the following endings.
que yo -iera
que tú -ieras
que él, ella, usted -iera
que nosotros/as -iéramos
que ellos, ellas, ustedes -ieran
Era importante que ustedes bebieran (beber) más agua. (It was important for you all to drink more water.)
No creíamos que tú corrieras (correr) tanto. (We did not believe that you would run so much.)

Remember in the past there are only stem-changing in -ir only.
We will use the third person plural and add the endings.
dormir=durmieron drop "ieron" and substitute with new ending 'iera..."
Era necesario que yo durmiera (dormir).
NO era necesario que ellos sirvieran (servir). (It was not necessary for them to serve.)

For the irregular verbs, use their new root and add the endings of the -er/-ir
Some will have their own form as they do not follow a pattern.
Ser/Ir= fu + era= que yo fuera, ....

que yo -iera
que tú -ieras
que él, ella, usted -iera
que nosotros/as -iéramos
que ellos, ellas, ustedes -ieran

for those that end in "j" you will add "era..." similar to the ser/ir as they do not have an "i" in the third person plural

Era necesario que ellos tradujeran(traducir) los documentos. (It was necessary for them to translate the documents.)
Para que ella trajera (traer) las cosas era necesario una grúa. (So that she could bring in everything it was necessary to hire a tow truck.)

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