Shadowlands 9.1 Korthia Mount Guide - How To Get All The Obtainable Mounts In Korthia

3 years ago

In this guide I show you how to get all the obtainable mounts from the Korthia Zone that was added in Shadowlands 9.1
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Maelie Coordinates:
/way #1961 29.9 55.6 on the cliff
/way #1961 35.8 46.5 on the chain
/way #1961 35.9 62.3 on the cliff, climb up by following the anima vein that starts at 40.1, 56.8
/way #1961 38.5 31.5 on the cliff shelf, jump down from the top level
/way #1961 39.7 34.8 hidden amongst the giant roots, hop down from above
/way #1961 41.1 39.8 on the middle level of the cliffside
/way #1961 41.3 27.8 looking into the Maw
/way #1961 43.2 31.3 on the cliff between Darkmaul and Malbog (climb up from either side)
/way #1961 49.3 41.8 hidden amongst the giant roots
/way #1961 50.6 22.9 on the cliff, walk down from above
/way #1961 59.8 15.1 on the cliff
/way #1961 61.3 40.4 on the cliff
/way #1961 62.4 49.7 on the edge of the cliff behind a large pale tree
/way #1961 68.0 32.0 on the small island, glide down from 63.8, 28.9

Darkmaul Coordiantes:
/way #1961 54.2, 41.2 Invasive Mawshroom 1
/way #1961 56.8, 51.5 Invasive Mawshroom 1
/way #1961 57.3, 39.4 Invasive Mawshroom 1
/way #1961 58.2, 40.5 Invasive Mawshroom 1
/way #1961 60.3, 41.6 Invasive Mawshroom 1
/way #1961 60.7, 38.2 Invasive Mawshroom 1

/way #1961 48.5, 41.2 Invasive Mawshroom 2
/way #1961 49.4, 40.7 Invasive Mawshroom 2
/way #1961 49.5, 31.7 Invasive Mawshroom 2
/way #1961 49.9, 32.5 Invasive Mawshroom 2
/way #1961 51.4, 46.8 Invasive Mawshroom 2
/way #1961 53.7, 37.9 Invasive Mawshroom 2

/way #1961 42.1, 35.8 Invasive Mawshroom 3
/way #1961 42.3, 34.6 Invasive Mawshroom 3
/way #1961 43.6, 36.6 Invasive Mawshroom 3
/way #1961 45.6, 34.3 Invasive Mawshroom 3
/way #1961 52.4, 25.0 Invasive Mawshroom 3
/way #1961 55.1, 16.4 Invasive Mawshroom 3

/way #1961 35.7, 31.1 Invasive Mawshroom 4
/way #1961 37.4, 34.7 Invasive Mawshroom 4
/way #1961 38.8, 33.8 Invasive Mawshroom 4
/way #1961 39.5, 30.7 Invasive Mawshroom 4
/way #1961 39.7, 34.8 Invasive Mawshroom 4
/way #1961 42.0, 32.5 Invasive Mawshroom 4

/way #1961 39.6, 30.0 Invasive Mawshroom 5
/way #1961 41.2, 44.9 Invasive Mawshroom 5
/way #1961 43.4, 56.3 Invasive Mawshroom 5
/way #1961 45.2, 47.9 Invasive Mawshroom 5
/way #1961 46.5, 48.5 Invasive Mawshroom 5
/way #1961 54.8, 55.5 Invasive Mawshroom 5

/run local count = select(4, GetQuestObjectiveInfo(64376, 0, false)) print(""..count.."")

Crimson Shardhide Walking Path Coordinates:
/way 44.261879, 29.530144 24
/way 46.545255, 27.261972 23
/way 49.336678, 28.016961 22
/way 50.327754, 29.665464 21
/way 50.928855, 28.905404 20
/way 51.598114, 28.143513 19
/way 52.141345, 27.868748 18
/way 52.763319, 28.760773 17
/way 53.144962, 29.012555 16
/way 53.614521, 27.930593 15
/way 54.088092, 28.093863 14
/way 55.809307, 28.632408 13
/way 56.852472, 27.495378 12
/way 57.198244, 27.117693 11
/way 57.590127, 26.348346 10
/way 57.762229, 25.286019 9
/way 57.983899, 24.534208 8
/way 58.420038, 21.955103 7
/way 59.890056, 23.233247 6
/way 60.554218, 23.482734 5
/way 60.666633, 23.033422 4
/way 60.149539, 23.372769 3
/way 60.439157, 23.442382 2
/way 60.610998, 23.030770 1

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