Erie County businesses can't force a mandate and violate your Civil Rights

3 years ago

Erie County DOH Employee Gale Burrstein and Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz are using their agencies to instill fear, threats and intimidation techniques toward area businesses and HR Departments, to enforce their will with injection mandates. There're no laws on the books currently whatsoever that allow any government agency, politician or business to force a medical procedure, or injection on anyone. These people know this and understand this, so what they are doing is using a strategy that has worked so effectively for these people for the last 19 months, which is getting businesses and the general public to do their bidding through willful compliance.

HIPPA laws still exist that protect every individual from having to reveal anything medically to anyone else. Laws exist on the books that make it a felony to act as a physician or make a medical requirement, much less a recommendation. Businesses are doing not only this, but they are violating state and federal discrimination laws by telling people they're going to be fired if they do not take this experimental medical procedure. This medical procedure is pushing 83,000 of our 250,000 medical experts and authorities to leave their jobs, knowing they won't receive unemployment or be able to provide for their families. Ask yourselves why they would be willing to do that? Could it be that they have seen first hand what these injections have resulted in? Could it be that they have seen the horrible effects and permanent injury, as well as death caused by this injection?

Employers are caught in a very tricky, intentionally and unfortunate situation being told they have to force all employees and customers to be injected with an experimental procedure.
This is happening because public and elected employees are removing civil and criminal liability from themselves and passing it on to business owners and HR employees who are enforcing these mandates, not laws.

We have contacted Workers Compensation, Disability and Liability Insurance companies to ask them if someone is injured or killed because you, as a business forced anyone as a condition of employment or patronage...if you (the business) would be protected and covered. Most could not even answer the question.
Those that did answer, stated very clearly that the business would not be covered or insured for that loss, which means your business and its assets would be held liable to civil lawsuit.

Business owners are being threatened with loss of state contracts, federal contracts, Medicare, Medicaid and even insurance payments if they don't enforce 100% compliance with injections.

If your business has been threatened with this, please reach out to us at:

The Experience Media
(518) 348-9994
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