Long-Range Super-Cinematic FPV Autumn Foliage (My Flight of the Year)

3 years ago

Long(er)-range ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Cruising? Whatever, not a flippy-floppy flight.

This definitely falls into my top 5 favorite rips (The next one from this location is actually better) . Used the 5" BQE. The crossfire did get mad when I put many cubic yards of compost and dirt piles between the transmitter and receiver, but the stage 1 warning did it's job and I was able to pop up twice. I'm not going to complain about crossfire - it is not meant to go through earth or dirt, and you can see the mounds of compost that I dipped below - my spotters were doing their jobs and told me I was dipping too low, and they were correct.

Pretty proud of the FPV move at 2:50 - practice, practice, practice, I'm not flying enough

I covered 1400 feet (I was in the middle) and was spotted by Squanchee Koncepts (when he wasn't keeping the dust down - thanks for making me edit out that clean pass 😒) and Xplicit FPV.

*Please don't watch on your phone, boomers*

Bonus points if you can figure out the significance of the song to the flight, there usually is one with me, unless it is one of my famous "Meme Flights"

That was a compost pile I took a header into. Alternate title: "Poop hits the Gemfans"

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