Celestial Objects NOV21 B

3 years ago

Togiak,AK, from 01&21NOV2021 (thank you The Final Days)

At the website https://avcams.faa.gov/, there are links to a few hundred faa stationary weather cams that broadcast video of the sky from AK&CO across Canada, frame by frame every 10 minutes, that the public can access.

For the past couple years, I've followed a youtube channel called "the final days" where a woman posts strange celestial objects and the attempts by the govt to conceal them as evidence we are in the very final days before Christ's judgement day. One thing is for certain, the enemy of Jesus Christ and His followers is active in the world right now as Scripture teaches.The Final Days will be marked by a variety of phenomena that are unexplainable. This includes changes in the heavens and on earth. The two are related, whatever is in the earth's vicinity right now is causing the upheaval tectonically and in the earth's extreme weather. Remember the sheer number of violent hurricanes, tornadoes, fires and earthquakes, are steadily, even alarmingly rising daily. Look to the godless leaders of nearly 200 countries on the planet who are in lockstep in their tyrannical and autocratic edicts over the past 22 months, using CV19 as an excuse to take freedoms away from free people. Even the most free nation on earth has had a false Resident forcefully installed by Election Fraud. The enemies of Jesus Christ will attempt to install their world government, a plan that is led by satan himself. Call on Jesus Christ while you have time. Time is short friends.

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