The Clever Hansel Effect: Drag Kids are Kids

3 years ago

Drag is an adult activity for adults, by adults, about adult topics, and should be limited to adult contexts. Drag is not any time a man is in a dress. Drag is an extremely specific and sexual art form which often, some would argue always, has a component of replicated misogyny as a vehicle for communicating the message. This documentary looks at the subculture and explores why it is not good to be creating "Drag kids" and designating such children as being accessible to adult predators, provided they're willing to put on a costume. The documentary features a nameless, faceless child who is involved with drag, and a woman named Windy Nipless who has a lot of time on her hands.

The Clever Hansel Effect is a form of the Clever Hans Effect that evolves between a parent and a child ("Hansel") in which the parent knowingly or unknownly coaches and conditions a child into performing certain behavior patterns or stereotypes, via offering positive reinforcement to the child, who naturally seeks adult reinforcement.

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