Celestial Objects NOV2021

3 years ago

The South facing camera at Wolf Creek Pass and Dakota Hill West facing camera, CO Div or Aeronautics (CDOT Aero); See top margin of video for date and time of capture. (15NOV2021)
At the website https://avcams.faa.gov/, there are links to a few hundred faa stationary weather cams that broadcast video of the sky from AK & CO, frame by frame every 10 minutes, that the public can access.
For the past couple years, I've followed a youtube channel called "the final days" where a woman posts strange celestial objects and the attempts by the govt to conceal them.
This likely sounds far out, but I decided to begin looking myself for this evidence of actual planetary objects in near earth vicinity. I began as eminently skeptical, but as I began to find these same odd objects, I became convinced that there is at least something we need to know. So I will post my own screen captures of this phenomena and let the viewers wonder what they are. Hopefully a dialogue can begin.

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