Lin Wood speaking at Cotton Hall in Yemassee, South Carolina. Win With Lin Rally

3 years ago

'We The People must never lose hope. God is hope.

-- Lin Wood Speech May 15th 2021

We The People must be fearless. God did not create us with a spirit of fear.

We The People must speak truth. Jesus is the truth, the way, and the life.

We must never stop fighting for our Constitutional rights and freedom. These blessings were bestowed upon us by Almighty God.

We The People must never stop fighting for our children. God loves the little children most of all.

Every person engaged in child sex trafficking will be brought to justice. God is a God of wrath, righteousness, and justice.

We The People must always fear the Lord. And wait on Him.

I love We The People.

Rest well. '

-Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

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