Wisdom of the Whale... Did Future Prove Past?

3 years ago

I was always meant to be a "Seafarer." I have recently learned it is actually in my DNA. Thankful to Kris that she gave me an Ancestry kit years ago as a Christmas present. The ocean has always been like a magnet to me, eventually drawing me in as close as I could get to live near her. I did not have this deep understanding of my "roots" at the time I made this video, but I nearly wept watching this now two years later. It means so much more to me now with this new understanding of my roots.

I have gone through some rather shocking experiences the past 20 months with the most shocking of them coming only in the past 3 months. This has led to a period of pain, isolation and self-reflection that I can't even begin to describe in words. This past three months of intense pain and self-reflection has also led to my conversion to Christianity.

I made this video at the peak of my time spent as a "Sound Healer / Therapist," nearly two years ago to advertise an upcoming Sound Healing event I called "The Wisdom of the Whale." I had no idea how relevant it would become to my life two years after I made it. The reasons for making it and the relevance to my life then pale in comparison to what this brief video means to me in the here and the now.

As part of the pain I experienced that led me to Christ, I went too far when I flatly declared that I felt my time spent as a Sound Healer was "dabbling in the occult." There were certain aspects of it that definitely were of the occult but I had not yet been "awakened" to the occult world, nor the power of Jesus Christ. I was blind to this dangerous aspect of what I was engaged in. Knowledge and vision is most definitely power.

The outcome of a Sound Healing or Sound Therapy session really is based on the skill and intention (Guided by God) of the individual Sound Therapist. I realize now that the use of sound, frequency and vibration to help others connect with themselves and with God in a very profound way is actually a gift from God, not a pathway to Satan - unless misused. Certain instruments and their power are actually referred to in the Bible. There are numerous references to the use and importance of different sounds, instruments, music and dance throughout the Bible.

I haven't watched this video since around the time of the Wisdom of the Whale Workshop I put on at iHeart Yoga (Dana Point) back on March 7, 2020 - one week before the COVID National State of Emergency was declared in which we were going to spend two weeks to "flatten the curve." The rest is history... one of THE most historic times in the history of all of mankind. Be grateful you are part of this. You were put here for a reason.

With that, enjoy this brief video... a different side of me that I hope resurfaces in the future with a new emphasis on the healing power of God as we move away from the evils of our poisoned food supply, the poisons of vaccines, Big Pharma and Western Medicine along with the poisoning of our minds through Main Stream and Social Media. I am very optimistic all of mankind will soon be making a dramatic and much needed swing back towards our roots, God and "The Garden."

Peace to you all and God Bless.

ASH <<< Mom always said it was "Good Luck" when your initials spell a word. Thanks Mom! Love ya!

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