Light Bulb Powered Only By GRAVITY - 5 Times Brighter Than Kerosene Lamp

3 years ago

GravityLight is a gravity-powered lamp designed by the company Deciwatt for use in developing or third-world nations, as a replacement for kerosene lamps. It uses a bag filled with rocks or earth, attached to a cord, which slowly descends similar to the weight drive in a cuckoo clock. This action powers the light for up to thirty minutes. There are no operating costs after the initial purchase of the appliance. A standard GravityLight kit comes with an adjustable lamp and a ballast bag. The light can be turned on by filling the bag with approximately 20 pounds weight (10 kg) and lifting it up to the base of the device; the weight falls over a period of 25 minutes, pulling a cord/strap that spins gears and drives an electric generator, which continuously powers an LED. This creates enough energy to last 25 minutes whenever it is needed.

The second model, GL02, also includes two SatLights and connecting cables. These are separate lights that are wired in series from the main GravityLight unit. Each SatLight can be turned on or off separately. When used with SatLights, the light on the main unit can be turned on or off. Up to 4 SatLights can be connected, giving extra light to different locations in the house. The rate of the bag drop is almost not affected by the number of SatLights attached.

The original GravityLight used a strap for pulling up the weight. The improved GL02 used a plastic-bead chain on a pulley system. The pulley system requires less strength to pull up.

GravityLight is a lamp that is designed to hang from suitable fixtures in a house or dwelling. It uses a bag that can be filled with heavy items and winched up. As the bag descends it drives a generator through a gearbox which provides direct electrical power for a single LED. Additional SatLight lamps can be connected to the main GravityLight unit to extend lighting. Multiple Satlights can be linked together (recommended max of 4).

Instant light, any time
No sun or batteries needed
With GravityLight all you need is a weight.

Over 1 in 5 people do not have electricity. Instead, they rely on dangerous and polluting kerosene lamps for light.

GravityLight has been designed primarily as a safe, clean and affordable alternative to kerosene lamps.
Your support will enable us to launch our improved GravityLight - to help eliminate kerosene lamps - as well as to establish an assembly line in Kenya.

Music: The Loss of You by Dhruva Aliman
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