3 years ago

Links: Matthew 24 Classes:
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Luke 21:11 and there will be great earthquakes, and in various places plagues and
famines: and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.
â—¦ Luke reports that Jesus also mentioned plagues in various places
• A plague is the spread of disease over a wide area, otherwise
known as an epidemic or pandemic
• Jesus said these would begin to happen in various places,
meaning around the world

Matthew 24
• A worldwide spread of disease by itself isn’t very meaningful, but
in combination with the other signs, it’s very telling.
â—¦ So world wars, famine, plagues, and earthquakes are signs we are near the
end of the age. All these have been increasing in the past century.
• They follow the pattern of birth pangs, getting worse and more
frequent as time goes on
• For those who know their Bible, these events are completely
understandable and in fact were told to us in advance
• But the unbelieving world has no recognition of these things,
and in fact they would like to believe it’s all temporary
â—¦ As these things kick off and disrupt our world, everyone longs to go
back to the life we knew before
• But the Christian who knows his or her Bible realizes this is the
new normal and there’s no going back
• Like a mother preparing to give birth, once the birth pangs start
there is no stopping until that child is delivered
• So once the signs of the end of the age begin, there is no turning
back and no stopping until the age ends and the new age comes
• We are on a one-way trip to Jesus’ return
• So for us who read these truths in Scripture and see the events in our world
today, we should be encouraged and excited even
â—¦ The pages of the Bible are coming alive right before our eyes and we
know that the Kingdom age is right around the corner
• We aren’t wishing for death, neither for ourselves nor for the rest
of the world
• We want to live as long as the Lord allows, and we certainly prefer
to live in a peaceful, calm world
â—¦ But sooner or later there will be a generation of believers who live at the
end of the age, and that generation will know these turbulent times.
• And that generation will be privileged to experience things that
earlier generations could only barely imagine
• That generation will see the prophecies of the Bible coming true
before their eyes
• And that experience builds faith… if you understand what you
• That generation will see the prophecies of the Bible coming true
before their eyes
• And that experience builds faith… if you understand what you

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Matthew 24

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