My Story Part 6 - Jennifer Schwirzer

3 years ago

Come and listen to Jennifer's sixth testimony in this Flourish series. She draws a clear picture of the image of God as seen in humanity. She honors the differences between male and female-- explaining that it takes both sexes to depict the full image of God. As she speaks about that sensitive subject, sex—she also describes the Creator and how he designed us to bond in marriage: the two become one flesh. Over it all is the admonition for husbands to learn to love their wives—so that wives will be able to honor and respect them in a perfect circle with Christ as the head. Just as Christ gave himself for the church, husbands are to give themselves to their wives. This is the recipe God gave us for happier families and happier homes. He is able to restore His plan for us even in a less than perfect home—so be encouraged as you take time to hear and absorb words of wisdom.

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