Catechism. Blessing of a priest, sign of the cross, confession, Holy Spirit, sin, epitemias, fasting

2 years ago


0:00 - 2:05 Why kiss the right hand of a priest? How to ask for a blessing.
2:052:17 How does a priest give a blessing. How is his blessing different than when you bless yourself with the cross?
2:174:28 what is the meaning of “Jesus” and “Christ”?
5:16 Why do we hold our hands a certain way when we cross ourselves? How should we sign ourselves with the cross, and why?
6:568:56 Should you smoke while praying?
8:56 Confession
8:56 Authority for confession
9:48 Why are the Lord’s first words to his disciples “Peace be to you”?
11:28 - 13:12 Another one of those “When I was a Protestant for a short period of time” stories.
13:12 - 14:34 Why did Jesus Breathe on the disciples, and when did they receive the Holy Spirit?
13:12 Symbols of the Holy Spirit
15:40 - 18:20 The “Nativity Star” was an angel.
18:20 More about confession
23:5326:08 What do the Greek words we translate as “sin” and “repentance” mean? And what is the criterion by which a priest decides to give absolution in confession?
26:08 - 36:06 What is a confession “look like” a walkthrough.
31:52 About epitemias.
36:0640:09 What is the “Full-life” confession? How is it compared to a regular confession? And also, how to use our life experiences to guide our intercessory prayer.
39:2440:09 the worst “part” of a sin.
40:09 How do you prepare yourself for confession?
I dunno, sometime after 40:09 Fasting for communion and in general, including when you have special medical needs
45:30 - 46:45 Fasting increases your enjoyment of food.
46:45 -53:43 Why do we fast?
53:43- 55:38 Is it a sin to not fast? The church’s view about sin is not like most people’s.
55:38 - 56:57 What about fasting foods made to taste like non-fasting foods?
56:57 - 57:44 The relationship of fasting (or anything else) with prayer
57:45 How do you overcome the temptation to not fast?
1:09:46 - 1:09:41 Origins of sin
1:09:46 1:16:05 Which is worse: breaking the fast with a Whataburger or breaking the fast with creme in your coffee? Which are the *worst* sins (in general)?
1:16:051:18:55 What is the most important part of teaching in catechesis? And why are we studying Matthew in catechesis?

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