Canary feeding her calf: mother nature in action

2 years ago

Mother Nature invites you to this beautiful moment: an earth canary feeding her young, eager for food – in this case, she wanted to be placed in a homemade keeper. You have to connect to nature. Or, at the very least, reconnect. Hearing - and feeling - natural sounds is a balm in turbulent days, in times of unnecessary shouting, not always pleasant voices, inconvenient noises. Much better the sounds of birds!

Natural sounds are relaxing and feel good, because nature is music, and relief contemplates the soul at its core. It is necessary to integrate into life itself, because we are also nature, and from it we could never have escaped. Hear - and feel - the song that comes from the avifauna.

Nature is music, poetry, teaching, calm. Nature is everything! Biodiversity is us.

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