3 years ago

First YouTube Banned "Mark - The Movie" Trailer, then they accepted our appeal and put the video back up. Then we uploaded the 8th Episode of "Yah's Way TV" up to YouTube, Then YouTube Banned it saying we had medical "misinformation" in our content. Yet there was no medical information at all in the content. So we appealed again, They then sent us an email saying that we could not appeal this ONE PERSON'S BANNING OF OUR TV SHOW THAT AIRS WORLD WIDE ON THE NOW NETWORK TO 236 MILLION CABLE AND SAT-TV SUBSCRIBERS ....

Dr. Dan shares about the banned video and the upcoming movie "MARK" and how the evidence is pointing to the biggest story of conspiracy to commit genocide since Nazi Germany and World War Two. Stay tuned folks, we are about to blow up the censorship narrative and expose those who created the plandemic to murder millions world wide.

Subscribe, Like, Follow and share as we lead up to the world wide release of the TRUTH that scares the conspirators every time Dr Merrick speaks.

See also Dr. Dan's last episode of "Yah's Way TV" at

And follow him on Spotify with his new hit song "Yah Ha Yah" at

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