Peter Hyatt Joins Greg Hartley and Scott Rouse of the Behavior Panel

3 years ago

Peter Hyatt joins the Behavior Panel's Greg Hartley and Scott Rouse to discuss Body Language, Interrogation and Statement Analysis.
This is a rare opportunity to see giants in their respective fields at one time.

Peter Hyatt has worked with law enforcement throughout the country and is a nationally recognized expert in deception detection. He authored the State of Maine's Department of Health and Human Services manual for Investigations and teaches Statement Analysis and Analytical Interviewing.

Gregory Hartley's expertise as an interrogator first earned him honors with the United States Army. More recently, it has drawn organizations such as the Defense Intelligence Agency, Navy SEALS, Federal law enforcement agencies, and national TV to seek his insights about "how to" as well as "why." He is the author of ten books on body language.

Scott Rouse is a behavior analyst and body language expert with a focus on healthcare. He holds multiple certificates in advanced interrogation training and has been trained alongside the FBI, Secret Service, U.S. Military Intelligence, and Dept. of Defense.

The Behavior Panel's Greg Hartley and Scott Rouse join me to answer your questions evaluate my interview with Rich Baris about his possible alien encounter, and more!

Greg Hartley
Gregory Hartley's expertise as an interrogator first earned him honors with the United States Army. More recently, it has drawn organizations such as the Defense Intelligence Agency, Navy SEALS, Federal law enforcement agencies, and national TV to seek his insights about "how to" as well as "why." He is the author of ten books on body language.

Scott Rouse
Scott is a behavior analyst and body language expert with a focus on healthcare. He holds multiple certificates in advanced interrogation training and has been trained alongside the FBI, Secret Service, U.S. Military Intelligence, and Dept. of Defense.

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