United Assault: Normandy '44 (Early Access) Framerate Test

3 years ago


● Everything in this video is my personal opinion and experience, and should not be considered professional advice. Always do your own research and make sure what you're doing is safe.


● Game: United Assault: Normandy '44 (Early Access) Framerate Test at 2K & 1080p *Mixed* Settings aka Optimized for a mix of "Eye Candy" but not so much at the cost of the overall FPS, especially if you have a decent 8GB GPU.

🌟 Tech for Sale: Gigabyte GTX 1070 Windforce OC 8GB
🌟 2K Results (Textures: Very High | Settings: Mixed): *54.7* Average (Obviously you could lower settings for better FPS)
🌟 1080p Results (Textures: Very High | Settings: Mixed): *71.4* Average (Obviously you could lower settings for better FPS)


● Personal Thoughts: I guess its ok to try or play if your bored or looking for something different. Other then that it felt like was on an "Atari" vs dumb NPC's and was just not challenging. Again, I'm only basing it off the few games I played as you can see here ... where I got bored & just left. Lol, it is what it is. Just sharing my experience since I was asked to test it by @randyhazleton on Instagram.

● Side Note: The Game is also poorly optimized and the gun-play is "iffy" that's hard to put into words.

● Positives: Some of the mechanics are cool, like a small slide & good ADAD. That's about it. Sorry to be downer, just keeping it real.


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