Udara2Air "Water Precious Resource"

3 years ago

Udara2Air "Water Precious Resource"

Generally, natural freshwater resources are scarce or limited in many areas of the world, including areas such as, for example, deserts and arid lands, due to low precipitation and high salinity of surface and underground water. Shortage in supply of potable water and fresh water is increasing at a vast rate, as deserts expand and overtake fertile land, and as many of the natural ground water resources are being depleted.

Udara2Air Indonesia: Atmospheric Water Generators, AWG-C Series units can generate from 15 to 20,000 liters of pure drinking water per day from the Air we Breathe.

Our unique compact systems are ideal for Hotels, Schools, Office buildings, Housing developments, Hospitals, Marine and small Municipal applications.

PT. Indonesia Water Micron World
Email: geertkoops@protonmail.com
Website: https://udara2air.wixsite.com/my-site

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