Trent on the Loos - November 22, 2021

3 years ago

Trent discusses relations between the US and Japan. First, Trent speaks with Tajima Hiroshi (Consul-General of Japan stationed in Chicago). Then, Trent visits with Ralph Inforzato (Chief Executive Director of JETRO in Chicago). Finally, Trent has a conversation with Kirk Zeller (entrepreneur, filmmaker, and U.S./Japan collaborator).

Episode 24

#BEKNews #BEK #TrentOnTheLoos #TrentLoos #US #UnitedStates #Japan #TajimaHiroshi #Tajima #Hiroshi #RalphInforzato #Ralph #Inforzato #JETRO #Chicago #KirkZeller #Kirk #Zeller #Collaborator #USJapan

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