TOP 10 Differences Between Male And Female #Dogs!

3 years ago

👉 Male and female dogs are special in their own way. Check out the TOP 10 differences between male and female dogs...
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Have you ever wondered which dogs are better, male or female?

All differences concern their:
• looks,
• health,
• temperament.

And knowing which differences they are will enable you to select the more suitable gender for you and your family.

TOP 10 differences between male and female dogs:

10. Dominance and territoriality. 0:32

Male dogs tend to be more dominant and territorial than females.

Neutered dogs are especially prone to these behaviors.

On the other hand, female dogs at times also exhibit a heightened level of dominance and territoriality. When?

With female dogs, you'll often see these behaviors when they're in heat.

9. Playfulness, liveliness, and independence.

Male dogs are generally more playful and energetic than females.

They also tend to be on the more independent and self-reliant side.

Female dogs, in contrast, are usually a bit calmer.

8. Devotion.

As female dogs are less likely to exhibit independence, it naturally follows that they'll seek more of their owner's attention.

With more time and attention, a stronger bond is more likely to develop.

As a result, female dogs seem to be just a bit more loyal and devoted than males.

7. Leaving home.

If you haven't gotten your dog neutered, you will likely notice significant changes during their heat cycles.

If you own a female dog, you can probably look forward to welcoming some new friends!

And if you own a male, you might notice that they spend less time at home.

So, during heat cycles, male dogs are likely to leave home more often.

6. Puberty and maturity.

As is the case with humans, female dogs also tend to enter puberty earlier.

And since the process starts sooner, they'll reach maturity quicker than males.

5. Behavior toward children.

Female dogs are the ones who are more likely to act protective toward children and attempt to care for them.

Male dogs, on the other hand, tend to see children as partners-in-crime and play with them.

4. Health.

Gender is one of the determining factors for the types of health problems that might crop up.

Mammary tumors are typical in female dogs, while males are prone to prostate issues.

3. Dog training. 3:09

Differences in training methods are mostly dependent on the dog's breed.

However, some gender-based differences do appear.

More specifically, female dogs tend to be somewhat easier to train, thanks to their higher levels of calmness and obedience.

2. Aggression.

Aggression is a trait that, in large part, depends on what kind of upbringing the dog had and how their owners treated them.

However, generally speaking, male dogs seem to be:
• more independent,
• more dominant,
• more territorial,
• and, as a result, more aggressive.

1. Looks. 3:52

Physical looks are the first thing we notice about a dog. It's also where we can find some of the most prominent differences between males and females.

What are the main looks-based differences?
• Male dogs are bigger and stronger,
• females are smaller and lighter.

You can also spot significant differences in their growth and development based on their gender.

I hope this short overview of the main gender-based differences in dogs helped you get to know your pet better or to have an easier time choosing the right one for you in the future.

If you know of any gender-based differences I haven't mentioned, or you have suggestions or any related info to share, please leave a comment below the video.

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TOP 10 Differences Between Male And Female Dogs!

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