3 years ago

How many prominent self-made black American millionaires and billionaires does it take to rekindle the flames of racism in this country, apparently all of them? An exaggeration I know, but it sure seems that way. I’d like to believe that my fellow brothers and sisters are just being led astray, but then I remember that you don’t become as successful as these individuals have become by being a fool. So the only conclusion left to me is that, in spite of where they began, they have now become self serving elites who will do whatever it takes to gain and maintain more power. To accomplish this they are willing to either pretend to be racist (if they themselves are not actually afflicted) or condone the practice of racism based solely on circumstance. Of course the attempt is to redefine their way out of the label of “racist” by asserting that racism is subject to a power dynamic in order to be valid. In other other words, only the powerful can be racist. This is a brilliant stratagem of absolution. However the need to change what we know to be reality in order to reach this absolution, in and of itself, proves that it is an unworthy attempt at justifying what we know to be evil. These highly accomplished citizens know that racism is defined as; “the belief that an individual is either superior or inferior based on their ethnicity alone.” This belief, of course, is the refuge of the ignorant and insecure. And to see it perpetrated by those who’s ancestors most likely faced real racial discrimination, is both saddening and shameful.


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