Harpy Spawn - Book Trailer - S H Marpel

3 years ago

Sunset found me trying to understand why the small herd I was caring for was nervous and bawling.
It wasn't long before I saw what those cows were looking up at. Or rather, who.
Three human-sized females, each with broad wings, were circling above the herd, as if looking for their evening meal.
As I saw them, they spied me – and started dropping from the sky right toward the spot I stood on.
Since I couldn't outrun them, I just stood there - to see if I was going to die in the next few moments.
But no, they landed softly a few yards away, then folded their wings to run toward me – with smiles on their faces.
The next moment I was being smothered in tiny kisses and nearly suffocated with strong hugs.
“Pa!” Father!” “Daddy!” were all I heard.
How I managed to somehow sire three full-grown goddesses was the first question that came to mind.
The second question was how I was going to explain them to my fiancé...

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