Lesson #1 | Write CURSIVE | Teach proper handwriting to your children

3 years ago

Lesson #1 | Write CURSIVE | Teach proper handwriting to your children

Full course available on demand here: https://www.sarahplumley.com/courses/

This 90-minute fully-taught lesson will set you on the path to beautiful, legible, and swift handwriting!

It is the first in a series of lessons that take the student from the very beginning of ‘joined up’ writing to master penmanship. Adults and children alike will benefit from perfecting their unique script.

Sit down with your children and teach them this VITAL life skill. If big tech and the bio security state combine to prevent dissidents from using the internet, then you’ll be glad of a means with which to communicate privately and over long distances!


You will need an ink (fountain) pen and ink or a rollerball pen - biros will not work! You can get free access to the specialised “training paper” used in the video by emailing:


Please put: “Paper Please” in the subject heading!

Action conquers fear; be brave, do something

Sarah Plumley

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