Belknap County Republican Committee Votes for Investigation of the Concord 9 Arrests!!! Part III

3 years ago

Part III of III

Wednesday was the November meeting of the Belknap County Republican Committee held at the Gilford Public Library. There were the normal “reports” (not recorded),

The Belknap County Republican Committee, under its new Leadership / Executive Committee, has become much more politically activist. No longer a “go along, get along” and just minding its own business (as under the previous long term and moribund administration), it has realized it is a political entity to get things DONE that is of importance to its membership.

Imagine that! Representing its constituency instead of assuming that it is the end all be all!

Wednesday night was something that I had never seen done in the years I’ve known about the BCRC – taking an activist bent on passing Resolutions that speak to relevant issues of the day regardless of what the “higher-ups” would think.

This is about the second Resolution – that concerning the arrests during the NH Executive Council meeting when it was debating whether or not to accept Federal money (with anti-sovereignty “strings attached”) was debated – Resolution: Investigation into the October Executive Council Arrests, Therese Grinnell.

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