social media: UDRI (unselective dopamine reuptake inhibitor)

3 years ago

usually in nashville doin stand up right now
ppl don't allow their talent to be exposed
so many labels and they don't amt to anything
i rose above this culture not doin what they do
yawl are lucky i'm even on yt
you need me to tell you what's wrong w/ the world
very few will be entertaining about these subjects
i am way more bitter, so true!
i don't subject myself to their level of mass consumerism
you won't understand til you get rid of the phone
education system, what do you call that?
the technology robs you of creativity
esp bad, esp addictive
not everybody had a pager in the 90s damnit
why do homeless ppl have smartphones
if you had a phone, you had a house/apt/sumin
tracking device/makeshift psychiatrist/tv/computer/etc

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