Teachers, Parents, Trustees Speak Out Against Child Covid Vaccines and Mandates

3 years ago

A compilation of speeches from the Nov. 9, 2021 Edmonton Public School Board Meeting featuring Sherry Strong, a representative from Children's Health Defense, who shares that an FDA rep warned children are 50 times more likely to die from experimental gene therapy injection being falsely being promoted as a vaccine, than from covid, and a compilation of speakers including former Trustee Smiley, former Edmonton Catholic School Board Trustee who resigned over mandates, and Teachers calling to protect children from the ensuing genocide and for an end to the unlawful, discriminatory, and unnecessary mandates.

Speech from Sherry Strong - Childrens' Health Defence Canada

I’m Sherry Strong from Children’s Health Defense Canadian in my role I interview doctors, experts and scientists who have testified in the Supreme Court and have zero conflicts of interest all who have affirmed this experimental injection is disastrous.

It violates laws, constitutions, charter rights and basic human rights. Administering it to children is diabolical. If you are not dead inside or completely disconnected to your conscience you will have a nagging sense that all is not well but may be following orders for a pay check as many are doing right now. I urge you to not ignore this sense.

Our schools and government reduce our children to numbers AHS and the media have used dubious numbers to scare the wits out of parents they are capitalizing on that loss of wits to do unthinkable things to our children. So I want to present some numbers that I can 100% validate.

Healthy children have zero statistical risk of dying of Covid, lower than the flu. Prior to the Covid injections ZERO healthy children in Alberta died from Covid.Zero long term studies on safety for children have been done on this experimental gene technology. Zero proper phase 3 trials were conducted on any of the Covid injections. All of them were rushed and deficient, especially the ones for children. Zero Studies on how this will impact fertility because it takes 23 years to do that properly.

2433 babies have died in utero after their mom took the shot.

There’s a 50/50 chance a 5 year old child who develops MILD Myocarditis will reach their 15th birthday. Source NIH

We’ve already had more children die from these injections than children who died from covid and we are not even a year. The difference being unhealthy children died from covid and healthy children are dying from these injections.

A Former Pfizer Chief says children are 50 times more likely to die from the Covid Vaccines than Covid.

According to a risk-benefit analysis expert Dr. Toby Rogers. We will kill 117 kids to save one child from dying from COVID in the 5 to 11 age rangeHis analysis has been viewed by over 22,000 readers. No mistakes were found.

1 murder charge was successfully filed in the UK against a school and the vaccinator of a child who died as a result of the injection they cannot hide behind a marketing term ‘safe and effective’ like mc don lads patented 100% beef, neither of them represent the truth they just have enough marketing power to make it seem so.

This roll out has violates the terms of informed consent
something we once valued as a nation. 200 people were tried in Nuremberg if you don’t yet see the similarities to what happened in Germany and what is happening now chances are back then you would have been on the wrong side of history. You still have time to be on the right side of history.

They are planning Nuremberg 2.

We will 100% hold those responsible
accountable for what happens to our children. We will remember 100% of the names of those who participated in crimes against humanity

No one will be able to use the excuse
“I was just doing my job or I didn’t know”. Abdication of responsibility does not negate accountability.

We pray in these matters you connect to your conscience you do your due diligence, make decisions to be on the right side of history for the sake and love of our children.

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