Why Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie was No Longer in the Allmain Case After This.

3 years ago


May 5th 2021

The Following is Important to this Chronology as this hearing, this moment in time is what made it so that Julie St. Marie was no longer a prosecutor and therefore Prosecutor James Kennedy took over the Michael Allmain Case after this.

On May 5th 2021 there was a Hearing on a Case that Prosecutor Julie St. Marie was involved in, for some reason it was included in the Michael Allmain Case Video Transcripts, so I watched. It was regarding a case that had gone on for quite some time and finally got FINAL Trial Confirmation, however OOPS Julie St. Marie Forget to send out the Subpoenas and the Trial is in a few days, oh and well Julie is not available for that date anyway, conflicting schedule and all. You can play the clip at the link below.

Julie Says the State Can Prosecute the Case how they Want. She Admits to Egg on her Face.

Ms. Powers wants the state to pay the costs associated with the Jury change and let’s the court know she is filing a Complaint in this Matter. She says she is filing CrR 8.3 Motion and notes Governmental Misconduct. Ms. Powers says there is no grounds for continuance as Ms. St. Marie had already asked for a continuance to serve subpoenas and did not so there is no ground. Ms. St. Marie does not know she has to put the subpoenas in the Judge's file, and Judge Mindy Walker suggests Julie check out the Rules.

Prosecutor Julie St. Marie admitted Government Mismanagement. The Judge Refuses the Continuance.

Defense Attorney Ms. Powers, Lillian Powers Public Defender
And Prosecutor Julie St. Marie
20:00 Timestamp on Video
3:12 into the Video

Prosecutor Changes May 18, 2021

From: Brandon Przygocki
Cc: JCSOSupervisors
Subject: Prosecutor Changes
Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2021 9:09:32 PM
Attachments: image001.png
Julie St. Marie is no longer working in the Prosecutor’s office. If you have any questions or checking the status of an upcoming hearing/trial etc. please contact Prosecutor James Kennedy or Chief Ashcraft until further notice.
Brandon Przygocki | Sergeant #56
Click Below to Read the eMail
Prosecutor Changes May 18, 2021 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XPti5tv1sDYjgH5WUj0p5OqySJjNbCl1/view?usp=sharing

May 18, 2021
From: Joe Nole
To: Adam Newman; Alan Jorgensen; Alex Mintz; Andy Pernsteiner; Art Frank; Ashley Moore; BenStamper; Bill Wells; Brandon Przygocki; Brett Anglin; Brian Anderson; Brian Peterson; Carolyn Marquette; Chad Wheeler; Chandler Knight; Darrin Dotson; Dean Murray; Derek Allen; Gene Hoagland; Gordon Tamura; Jason Avery; Jen Moore; Joe Nole; Joe Pursley; Jon Stuart; Justin Coronado; Kari L. Binns; Kolby Schreier; Lynn Chesterfield; Marcie Lammers; Melissa Graff; Rebecca Turner; Ryan Menday; Shane Stevenson; Brayden Goodier; Bruce Turner; Chris Coulter; Cory Brown; David Fortino; Erik Allen; James Webberley; John Thomas; Justin Maher; Matthew Shelton; RoderickMacon; Ron Hough; Sarah Avery; Steven Feingold; Troy Phillis
Subject: FW: Julie St. Marie
Date: Wednesday, May 19, 2021 10:54:11 AM
FYI in case you haven’t heard.
Sheriff Joe Nole
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office

From: James Kennedy
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2021 3:11 PM
To: Joe Nole <JNole@co.jefferson.wa.us>; Andy Pernsteiner <APernsteiner@co.jefferson.wa.us>; Brandon Przygocki <bprzygocki@co.jefferson.wa.us>; Ryan Menday <RMenday@co.jefferson.wa.us>; Brett Anglin <BAnglin@co.jefferson.wa.us>; Ben Stamper<BStamper@co.jefferson.wa.us>; Shane Stevenson <SStevenson@co.jefferson.wa.us>; David Fortino <DFortino@co.jefferson.wa.us>; Jen Moore <jmoore@co.jefferson.wa.us> Cc: Chris Ashcraft <CAshcraft@co.jefferson.wa.us>

Subject: Julie St. Marie
Ms. St. Marie is no longer employed with the prosecuting attorney’s office. Please direct any inquiries or conversations you may have had about pending cases, etc to myself or Chris Ashcraft
James M. Kennedy
Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney / Coroner
Email jkennedy@co.jefferson.wa.us
Source Email

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