Prophetic encouragement for believers.

3 years ago

There is a massive wave of discouragement and heaviness that is coming against believers at the moment. But it's time is over. The enemy has failed.
Word of Encouragement. 12/7/21
Fallen, Fallen, Babylon is fallen.
The mountains are threshed small and the hills into chaff.
The valleys are exalted and the latter rain is coming.
The cloud the size of a mans hand is visible.
Gird up thy loins and run.
The rain is coming and is here already.
The ground is ready to bring forth and the fruit is about to blossom and bud.
Why sit still time to stand, gird thy sword and face those mountains.
You are the threshing instrument with sharp teeth.
You are the the one with the sharp double edged sword that is in your mouth. Unsheathe it and
Command those mountains to be uprooted and cast into the sea. It’s time.
Come out of those valleys of self pity and unbelief and stand.
I am with you, I always was.
I am the one who refines with fire and washes you with fullers soap.
Have you not known it all along.
Say no to the voices that steal, kill and destroy.
Say No! No more shall you put me in doubt and fear!
I the Lord am lifting the steel rod of correction over the nations. I am the stone that grinds to powder.
Lift up your heads. The flood is receding, the standard raised. Rid the land of her enemies.
Proclaim the crooked be made straight, the rough be made smooth and darkness to be made light
before you.
The end has come for the Baal worshippers. Their time is finished.
They had great plans but all has fallen. Even they weren’t game to hang my cross upside down.
Their festival was a laughing stock. Their strength is finished. As with those in high places all
around the globe. It’s over for them.
Now you must arise and take control.
Come out of the corrupted religions and do not fear the wilderness.
Enter and I will lead you through the fiery trials, and it will be a short work.
A thousand may fall on thy side and ten thousand on thy right, but in Me, you will be protected.
It will not come nigh thee.
Gird your armour and enter in.
You were made for a time such as this.

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