Enough of the Media Brainwashing and Recruitment (Alternative Sexuality)

3 years ago

The 4400 reboot on the CW is awful. I'm all for more Black folk being in movies and media. But damnit enough is enough. This campaign of Media trying to further confuse the generations coming behind us. It is a shame the media encourages this twisting of sexuality constantly.

At this point before I even venture to view modern media I first have to find out if it has Alternative Sexuality interwoven in its story.

Mainstream Media get this, many of us are tired of your alternative sexual propaganda. Cut if out!!!

Do me a favor and list the shows you like that have been ruined by Mainstream media promoting the Alternative Sexual lifestyles.

To name a few notice mostly geared to the youth.
Then we have people on the news, politicians, members of the armed forces and even now in the NFL. Oh can't forget the Music industry.

Ask yourself this question, prior to the 2000's how often were these sexual alternative lifestyles so visible?

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