"I will speak of Your testimonies also before kings, And will not be ashamed" - Aug 30, 2021

3 years ago

29. August 2021
Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist
Mark 6:14-29

John the Baptist couldn’t keep his mouth shut. Within his vocation as a prophet, he had to speak. The king was living a lie and left unchecked, one lie would lead to another. For the sake of the king and the kingdom, the last Elijah, John, spoke the truth in love. And what did he get for it? First, he was imprisoned by the king, and then the bitter adulteress and incestuous queen had him beheaded.

Was it worth it? Was John’s witness a waste of time? Look what it got him! The memory of him is forever marked by his end. Two thousand years of church artwork has featured his notorious head on a platter. Was it worth it? Was there another way to overcome Herod and Herodias’s heart? Perhaps if John had instead preached a more encouraging word or simply looked the other way, those two would have come around eventually?

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