Biden Hits New All Time Low Approval | Schaftlein Report

2 years ago

Biden Hits New All Time Low Approval | Schaftlein Report
Guest: Jeffrey Dunetz - LidBlog Author ( )
1) Democratic Senators Whitehouse, Hirono and Blumenthal call out the Biden Supreme Court Commission
*Why - they are not giving them what they want - The only ideas that they embrace is Term limits
*This does not fit the RADICAL Agenda for Court Packing favored by Democrats
2) Biden asks the FTC to examine if Oil and Gas companies are inflating gas prices - He is looking for a scapegoat while a Federal judge just granted an injunction on Biden's Executive Order banning oil and gas drilling on federal lands
3) House awaits the CBO score on their $1.75T spending package that includes massive tax breaks for wealthy Americans in SALT repeal
4) Florida is a step closer to crippling vaccine mandates setting up a clash with the Biden Administration order
5) VP Harris makes a fool of herself claiming the border crisis is Trump's fault in a blatant propaganda statement fiasco
6) She compounds her stupidity claiming passing a giant spending bill will bring down inflation - She is utterly clueless
7) Biden handlers cancel press conference with leaders of Canada and Mexico - Keep him isolated as it appears he is incapable of handling the questions
8) Rittenhouse case day 3 with the jury
9) Colorado Representative Boebert lambastes Ilhan Omar

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