Exposition Exposing Cults: 2.5 Little Known Cults

3 years ago

You know I really don’t want I to create division in the church, but what I’m trying to show us that there are counterfeit churches that claim to be legit but are not. One thing about cults is that they exist to ensnare vulnerable ignorant and otherwise innocent Christians to derail them. And a religious setting people have access to the Bible and may accidentally read it and get saved and then sincerely believe that a horrible cult is actually a normal Christian denomination even though it is not. You can get out and have one of at least two reactions: Pride resulting from cognitive dissonance and you defend how things were, or shock when you see the normalcy outside and realize what you’ve been trapped in. Satan will tolerate believers as long as he can keep them ineffective, trapped and abused, or make them actively counterproductive (against what God is doing).

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