Dumb Dog

3 years ago

I made this video of my dog, Tori on January 2nd, 2011....
We still have Tori. She's a little chubbier and doesn't jump quite as high or run near as fast, but she's still ball crazy and determined.
In fact, she's graduated to back-up sheep/goat dog, which is what half of her breeding was intended for.
Tori is a Golden/Cocker x American Dingo (aka Carolina Dog) which basically means she can hunt, herd, babysit kids, kill vermin, retrieve whatever you point at, nurture ANY species like she's their mother, protect from intruders (including horse flies and yellow jackets) and is your best buddy in the whole wide world.
And no, I didn't formally train her to do any of those things. She's the only dog I've ever owned that I neglected to "train"... she doesn't sit on command, lie down, stay or any of those things. She learned by observation and instinct. You can see in the video she's got problem solving skills but also likes to fuss and tell YOU she needs help.
"yeah right...if she's so smart why didn't she jump back over with the ball?"
Because she knew she would get hung up in the fence. It was leaning towards her and was higher up on her side. so even if she took a running start she wouldn't have made it with the ball and probably injure herself in the process.

Anyway, she was from an oops litter, not intentionally bred, but I have to say if there was ever a "best all around smart dog" group this mix should be in it. other than her siblings, and God only knows where they all are these days, there will probably never be another one like her.

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