cute baby penguin looks very adorable

2 years ago

If people are educated about the world's animal species they will better care for them.

Baby penguins are adorable fluff balls of heartwarming cuteness! But did you know that the smallest baby penguin is born weighing around 35 grams? Or that polar bears and penguins don’t live in the same countries? Keep reading to check out nine awesome penguin chick facts and to see some adorable baby penguin pictures.

Penguin chicks can be as small as 35 grams as newborns.
The little penguin is the smallest species of penguin in the world. When they are born, they weigh in at an astoundingly small 35 to 45 grams. They grow slowly to reach a maximum of 2 pounds when fully grown eventually.

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Baby Penguin: 9 Facts and 9 Pictures
Written by Sadie Dunlap
Published: October 18, 2021
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Baby penguins are adorable fluff balls of heartwarming cuteness! But did you know that the smallest baby penguin is born weighing around 35 grams? Or that polar bears and penguins don’t live in the same countries? Keep reading to check out nine awesome penguin chick facts and to see some adorable baby penguin pictures.

#9: The Tiniest Baby Penguins are Seriously Tiny!
baby penguin - a pair of penguin chicks
Penguin chicks can be as small as 35 grams as newborns.
The little penguin is the smallest species of penguin in the world. When they are born, they weigh in at an astoundingly small 35 to 45 grams. They grow slowly to reach a maximum of 2 pounds when fully grown eventually.

#8: A Baby Penguin is Called a Chick!
baby penguin - a group of penguin chicks
A group of penguin chicks play in the mud.
Baby penguins are a part of the bird family. They grow feathers, have beaks, and lay eggs. Penguins used to be able to fly, but over several hundred years, their wings evolved to flippers, which help them swim so that they could catch food easier. Just like baby chickens, penguins are also called chicks (or nestlings). How adorable!

A group of penguin chicks forms what is called a creche. These groups are created when baby penguins’ parents are not around and help to keep the babies warm and to protect them from predators while the adult penguins are away searching for food. One or two adult penguins watch over the creche.

A group of penguin chicks waddle over rocks.
You might already know that most animals that lay eggs primarily depend on mothers to care for them. Penguins break the mold – that is, male penguins take primary ownership of caring for eggs. Male penguins build the nest, protect the egg, and even sit on top of it to ensure the egg stays warm.

Female penguins often venture away from their nests to hunt for food, but male penguins never eat while they are incubating, so they depend on the females to bring back food.

Penguin chicks have a layer of fluffy feathers to keep them warm.
When penguins are born, they have a fluffy, downy layer of feathers. Commonly mistaken for fur, these fluffy feathers protect baby penguins from the harsh cold of their environments. Since these feathers are not waterproof or very well-insulated, baby penguins depend on their parents to keep them warm and they don’t swim until they get older.

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