The Blessed Virgin Mary on Purgatory |

3 years ago

The book 'Suffering and the Thesis of Purgatory' brings to the fore the understanding of the Church in Purgatory and the necessity of praying for these Holy Souls who are 'paying the debts of Divine Justice'. The Communion of Saints is a spiritual solidarity that binds together the faithful on earth (Church Militant), the souls in purgatory (Church Suffering) and the Saints in Heaven (Church Triumphant) under Christ, its head. And although these Christians may be separated from each other by death, they nonetheless remain united to each other in one Church and support each other in prayer.

In her third apparition in Fatima, Our Blessed Mother shows the Fatima Children a vision of hell and gave them another prayer to be recited after each decade of the Rosary: "O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Your Mercy." Yes, it reminds us that Hell is very real and in her fourth apparition, Our Lady directed the children to pray and offer sacrifice for sinners because: "You know that many souls go to hell because there is none who pray for them."
Upon death, once a soul is condemned to Hell, it can never enter Heaven, but once in the First Judgment, it enters Heaven and into the stages of Purgatory where God will send it to be purified. This purification is an understanding of reparation that must be rendered before the Soul comes into Paradise and into the Presence of God, where there is no contamination.... to finally Praise, Worship and Glorify God unceasingly! (March 31, 2018)

The Messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary are contained in the Book: ‘Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory’ and are given for our times.
The book is available on Kindle, and in all major online book sellers, and is available to read in

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