The Best Interview Ever With Elon Musk, 3727

3 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on Elon Musk.

This evening, I just happened to stumble onto a live stream between Elon Musk and the board members of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. It was live streamed courtesy of and we thank them for allowing us to display it on my channels.

I wish I had captured the first 15 minutes of this broadcast where Musk just explains his vision for his mammoth 27-engine Starship that will stand nearly 400 tall and carry up to 100 passengers to the moon and eventually Mars. And get this – Musk is building his own factory for the rockets and their engines that he anticipates will produce over 1,000 of the giant space ships.

But unfortunately, I didn’t record it all. What you will miss – unless you can find it on the website – is Musk’s vision for Starship, which to someone who covered a dozen Space Shuttle launches from the Press Site at the Kennedy Space Center, was pretty interesting. But luckily I awakened from my transfixion by the unique character of Elon Musk to remember to record what was supposed to be only a 30-minute presentation which ran for nearly 90 minutes once the questioning period was over.

So, I captured the last 55 minutes of the presentation and by far this was the best part, anyway – the best discussion of all aspects of futurism that I’ve ever seen, and it just got better and better with every passing minute as Musk laid out why he is building this huge spaceship at breakneck speed – just in case there is a human extinction event in the near future, at least some humans can set up a civilization on Mars.

And wait until you get to his of the things that could cause a human extinction event, including another pandemic utilizing a more lethal man-made virus with more transmissibility. Or catch this one – that humans will self extinct unless birth rates worldwide are turned around and soon.

Equally amazing are Musk’s insights on energy production here on earth – how easy it is. The entire planet could be powered by a field of solar panels 100 by 200 kilometers in a corner of Nevada or Utah.

This is – for someone who has been interested in space science since I was 10 years old – perhaps the most fascinating interview of all time.

I’m still reporting from the soon-to-be restored citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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