Full Townhall - Convention Of States - Gillette WY 11-15-2021

3 years ago

Julie does a great job keeping the focus of this Townhall presentation. Good turnout of supporters and a few opposers, which we love to see. Makes for great conversation... when we keep the dialogue civil.
Talking Article V process, how we can support this movement, how it is apolitical, how to rein in government not eliminate it, & save our Nation.
We discussed Nullification and how it has failed to changed anything- how it is extra-constitutional that needs a favorable Supreme Court ruling to become valid... which it has Never received.
And near the close of the meeting, a wrap up was detailed how this meeting of the States has no power, other that to provide a pathway for the States to Change The Course Of Our Country.!!
And to answer a huge question of support at the close of the meeting... With your donations, you can obtain gifts for your support of Article V at https://ReViveArticle5.com/show-off - which is updated regularly for Gear, Books, T-Shirts, Car Magnets... Appreciation goes both ways... You Help Us & We Help You.!!
Make States Great Again.!!

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