Fauci’s Puppy Torture

3 years ago

On Sunday the news broke that that the federal government has been using your tax dollars to fund research on beagles that included prolonged torture. A watchdog group called White Coat Waste submitted a FOIA to get it. And the agencies in charge of these experiments were led by Dr. Fauci and his boss, Francis Collins of the NIH. Apparently these two are old school, they think old fashioned animal torture is tried and true, and they don’t want to mess with their tried and true methods. After all, new torture methods cannot afford to wait for science to catch up to cutting-edge torture.
Get the lowdown here.
National Institutes of Health funded studies that tortured beagles and monkeys.
These were recent studies and involved removing the dogs’ vocal chords so they couldn’t be heard screaming by the scientists, all while their faces were locked in a contraption filled with sand flies.
The Tunisia study:

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