Noah part 1- Sabbath school

3 years ago

In this week's lesson we will dive into the importance of listening and obeying our Heavenly Father and also see how we should obey our earthly father also. We will see how when we obey, there are blessings and when we don't, things just don't go too well!

Let's find out what happens!

Time stamps:
Host- 00:47
Song- 03:05
Scripture story- 06:58
Nature- 15:59
Host- 20:48
Hebrew- 21:25
Moral story- 40:28
Host- 50:16
Song- 50:34
Memory- 53:00
Craft- 55:27
Prayer- 1:03:06

***Art and Crafts supplies will be posted on Wednesdays before the correlating lesson on our FB page so you can be prepared for the upcoming lesson!***

--Arts & Crafts for this week's lesson--

Noah's ark

-2 cheap white paper plates (you could use thick paper)
-Red orange yellow green blue indigo and violet tissue paper for the rainbow (you can use crayons/ color pencils/ markers)
One brad
-Elmer's glue
-Black or gray pen or marker
-Optional small craft paint brushes to smear the glue
-White construction paper or save part of paper plate for clouds

Our website has had a delay in launching and the links are not quite ready for the activity sheets and area to share pictures and comments. I will update this soon when the website is up fully! Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Go follow our Facebook page and we'll post there when the links are working

some music from

images and videos from

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