Pfizer Frontline Heroes Protest : John Gilmore (Children's Health Defense NY)

3 years ago

Outside Pfizer Headquarters- NYC. John Gilmore, speaking. 20 years activism thru Children's Health Defense NY and NY Alliance for Vaccination Rights (autism). Excerpts from speech: "He is convinced WE Will Win. The cat is out of the bag. Millions of people are fully aware of what Pfizer and CDC and other co-conspirators are  doing in this immense racket. We are dealing with a form of organized crime. Pfizer is the leading corporate criminal in history. Paid more fines and penalties than any other entity in the world. Biggest drug company in the world. Johnson and Johnson in the last year has paid over a billion dollars in penalties and fines. He doesn't think American people will be fooled much longer. NY is in the belly of the beast. California. DC. Here is the worst. Get out of NY, in the rest of the country: Florida . Texas. They are up and out of this (re mandates). They do not believe the CDC anymore. The FDA. They are going their own way. This is a long fight. Feels badly for those who have lost their jobs for sticking to their convictions. This is just the first round. (a boxing match is 15 rounds) But things are beginning to change. Battles in the courts. Battles in the streets. Last week - in the appellate court - judges said mandate is staggeringly over broad. Next is the supreme court. Our numbers are getting bigger and bigger (crowd jeers hecklers passing by in the street) Courts are important, but what do ordinary folks like us do. Rallies. Marches.  They make us visible.  Need to get involved in legislation.  There is a  bill to force college students to get vaxs. Mentions Gov. Hochel, our un-elected governor (BOOS) She claims a revelation from G-d. Engage your elected officials.  Not a single Republican in Albany backs the mandates. Problem is with the Democrats. Dems are afraid. Don't what to say they support mandates. Coming up on Nov 20, the next rally on CPW. Living at  91 CPW is Assemblyman, Richard N. Gottfried.  (he no longer supports us) But we Are Gonna Win (Chants) We are WINNING."

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