💊⚕️📛 Deep State 💊⚕️📛 from the epidemic full financial control

3 years ago

Edward Snowden: CBDCs Are 'Cryptofascist Currencies' That Could 'Casually Annihilate' Savings
If the American economy were in dire straits, the Fed might impose a negative interest rate on people’s savings, forcing us to spend.


Instead, a CBDC is something closer to being a perversion of cryptocurrency, or at least of the founding principles and protocols of cryptocurrency—a cryptofascist currency, an evil twin entered into the ledgers on Opposite Day, expressly designed to deny its users the basic ownership of their money and to install the State at the mediating center of every transaction.


Edward Snowden: a jegybanki kriptók visszahozhatják a fasizmust


Catherine Austin Fitts elmagyarázza, hogyan tervezik a globális milliárdosok és a technokraták a bolygó elfoglalását

Catherine Austin Fitts Explains how the Globalist Billionaires and Technocrats are Planning on Taking Over the Planet, and How We can Stop It


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