Sound Words, A Virtuous Woman

2 years ago

What the Christian world needs today is a good publication. I found that the one, like two centuries ago, entitled Sound Words, would fit into today’s world. Times change but people stay the same. My plan is to republish this magazine, but I am not sure I will get through all 98 volumes. I will read through all the articles and do the ones that seem to fit our times. Let us start out with the original introduction.
‘An Outline of Sound Words’ — Introduction
In his second epistle to Timothy, the apostle Paul enjoined his beloved child to “have an outline of sound words,” and to “keep by the Holy Spirit which dwells in us, the good deposit entrusted.” This injunction, in the holy Scriptures, comes to us that we might know how to hold fast the truth of God in these last days, when it is being given up on every hand, and when its heavenly power over the hearts of God’s dear saints is being lost, with consequent departure from the path of God’s will. We do well to realize that the truth cannot be maintained unless the doctrine encompassed in the outline of sound words is held intelligently and tenaciously, or without the spiritual condition, consonant with the doctrine, produced in the heart by the Holy Spirit. With the true knowledge of the doctrine, and with hearts answering to it by the working of the Spirit, there will be the manifestation of the truth in the lives of God’s dear saints, where indeed, it is to be held according to the mind of God.
If the Lord will, we hope to send out this little magazine occasionally; desiring and praying that the Head of the body, the assembly, our Lord Jesus Christ, will furnish it with ministry that will help His beloved saints in the apprehension of the precious truth of God, and encourage their exercises towards its manifestation in their lives.
William C. Reid. (Editor)
Quotations of Scripture are from the Authorised Version, or from the New Translation of J. N. Darby.

In all my podcasts I try to apply scripture to real-life experiences. And I expound on what I believe the scripture is trying to convey to us. We need to dig deep into God's Word to find out what life is all about, and how to live like God wants us to do and how to do it.

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