End Eczema - Holistic Home Remedies & Health Coach Certification - Arukah.com

3 years ago

Learn the triggers and imbalances that cause eczema and powerful home remedies to heal and manage it safely, WITHOUT the harmful side effects of standard cortisone creams and immune depressants that can cause further and even greater damage to your body. Episode Notes - https://arukah.com/blog/eczema

Would You Like to Become the Healer of Your Home & Your Community, & Create a Profitable Online Health Coaching Business?

Are you interested in becoming a health coach, a naturopath, an herbalist, or a nutritionist? Do you need help finding the right program for studying holistic health and healing?

Or perhaps you already have certification, but you’re still not confident enough in healing people and don’t know how to build a business that will empower you to have an impact and allow you to leave your regular day job?

Are you ready to get a deep and comprehensive picture of holistic health and healing and learn from top healers in our day so that you can stop being stuck in a job or a career you don’t have a passion for?

Heal yourself and others - WITHOUT the Need for Pharmaceutical Drugs with Harmful Side Effects, Doctors, or even Dentists!

Become more knowledgeable about holistic health and healing than most medical doctors who have graduated from medical school, without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, and years of time in expensive medical schools or programs.

Build an online health coaching business that will allow you to achieve time, location, and financial freedom.

Arukah.com empowers people to become the healers of their home and their community, by equipping them with Naturopathic Herbalism, Health Coaching, and Online Business & Marketing Skills.

My name is Mayim. I’m 42 years old, and a homeschool mom of 7 beautiful children. I became a Naturopathic Herbalist & Health Coach in order to take charge of my family's health when the modern medical system kept failing us. We were spending thousands of dollars on insurance and other medical expenses, but they did not have any answers for our health problems.

Having an online business has been such a blessing for me. I used to work at the NASA Ames Research Center as a Computer Scientist / Engineer, but being able to have an online business has enabled me to surpass my income at NASA, and to be there for my family, homeschool them, take care of them, watch them grow up every step of the way for 18 years now.

I started Arukah.com in 2009 to help people become healthy and heal themselves. I’ve coached all sorts of people, and eventually even medical doctors and nurses started coming to me repeatedly for help for various health issues for themselves or their loved ones.
I help people heal themselves of serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease & high blood pressure, diabetes, as well as other common issues such as hormone imbalances, abnormal bleeding, migraines, eczema, kidney stones, gallstones, cataracts, and urinary tract infection.

Various people began asking me to start teaching what I know about holistic health and healing including 2 medical doctors who have become very good friends of mine.

When I realized that there was such a demand for the knowledge I have, that even medical doctors were telling me to teach, I shifted the focus of Arukah.com. Now we teach people how to become confident healers through our Naturopathic Herbalist and Health Coach Certification Program. We help people become healers of their home and community, and create profitable online health coaching businesses.

If you’re interested in becoming a holistic healer, visit:

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