Learn English from the SITH code

3 years ago

Sith code of ethics, let's learn some English by learning about the Sith!! The bad guys from the Star Wars universe, but are they really that bad let's look at their code of ethics and see what we think of these big bad force users ,

English Tiger website: englishtiger.info

Go to the quizlet link to practice the new words from today's lesson

Translated titles:
Aprende inglés con el código SITH

Apprenez l'anglais avec le code SITH

Aprenda inglês com o código SITH

Leer Engels uit die SITH-kode

تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية من كود SITH

Անգլերեն սովորեք SITH կոդից




เรียนภาษาอังกฤษจากรหัส SITH

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