How to make himalayansingingbowlnepal

3 years ago

At First, the most spiritual person among the staffs/employees/worships the tools and the furnace used for the production by joining his both hands. This worshiping process is done daily before starting the manufacturing process as it is believed to have very high importance in terms of religious values so as to prevent any unpleasant accidents while handling the tools and the manufactured Bowls are perfectly made and have high healing power to flow pure messages to our mind,body and soul.

When workers are well respected and well paid their working mentality becomes pure and undisturbed, which resembles on the output they produce. So treating workers with respect and having them work in a comfortable environment is our company’s top priority. Thus, the singing bowl produced by our employees produce best quality sound and vibration.

Each year we perform 3 to 4 religious rituals which also has a very high importance. The day during ritual, every employee go to the nearest pure water river and take holy bath and wear new clothes free from any impurities. Then after the factory is cleansed, worshiping ritual is done and everyone gather around to have the ritual feast on the same table. This gathering develops the bond between the co-workers and develops strong brotherhood among them. This is the sectete behind why our Bowls are popular around the world.

The work division is done in accordance to the employee’s mental and physical capabilities and the group work of them together is in fact resemble the full form of singing bowl. For which a group consisting 20 to 23 number of employees give continuity to the process.

The bowl made only in the “Purnima” I.e full moon night is called Full Moon Bowl and the rest made on other days are called normal healing Bowl.

The manufacturing process of Full Moon Bowl is slightly different than other and are made in Limited numbers only. The Full moon bowl is only made by veterans who have performed meditation for a long time and they are also vegetarians. On “Purnima” I.e Full moon day they meditate from early morning. That day earth is in full Energy and everything on earth produce pure energy. That day Veterans assigned on making Full Moon Bowl summon Universal Power on them through meditation. Then after sunset the making of Bowl begins and they transfer the power summoned by them upon the Bowl. Therefore Full Moon Bowl have very high amount of Healing Power. Whatever Bowls that are made on this day are Full Moon Bowl so they are very Limited in Numbers and have a special category within Other healing bowl.

After Purnima ends the making of Bowl is paused for a while and those bowls are transferred to a special Meditation Chamber near the production facility. Special type of ritual is performed to give the bowl its full form and only then the bowl is ready to be sent to the market for sale.Thus, this Bowl is more comparatively expensive than other bowls.

Molten liquid formed by heating the mixture of Gold, Iron, Copper, Mercury, Lead, Tin and Silver in a carefully measured proportions is heated to 400oC is placed in a Bowl Shaped Mould made of clay and left for a day. Then the hardened material resembling the bowl shape is removed from the mould and is again kept in a oven full of coal and heated until it turns red. The bowl is then beaten by various tools and again placed in the oven. This process is repeated multiple times, approximately about 2 hours until a perfect shape is formed. This process requires very careful technique and physical effort. The bowl is dipped in a salt water time to time during this process which adds temper to the bowl and also reduces smoke while heating.

During this process the workers must be be very alert because this is a team work and a simple mistake from one person can cause severe injury. Also the oven and the bowl during this process are very hot which also increases risk of burn.

After 3 hours of continuous effort, birth of a bowl takes place whose final form is then given by putting it in a special cutting machine. A sharp cutting edge removes black spots on the outer surface of the bowl to make it more attractive. The workers are advised to protect their face during this process.The bowl is then polished accordingly.

Special staffs are hired for the Quality Check, Weighing and final finishing of the polished bowl who are not as physically built as other workers. After thorough inspection of each bowl the bowls which pass the quality check are sent to the market for sale.

This whole process of bowl manufacture takes about 4 hours each which you can use for meditation, healing, musical instrument and therapy.
The bowls made by this bowl tend to have very high healing power which we have personally experienced and heard from our customers (some of whom are experienced meditation teacher.)

If you are in search of such kind of High Quality Authentic Healing Bowl then Please contact our Company for more information. We provide you signed Paper to Guarantee the quality of our Products.

Thank You and Namaste!

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