Hidden Shadow WORLD BANK Balance Sheet

3 years ago

Newsflash: Countries are not sovereign. They were. In the past their debt was sold to world central bankers in exchange for control of their people by the foreign central bankers. They do this by converting the country to a legal cabal owned corporation. Let's pretend a country's originally name is "Maple Leafia". They draw up legal documents and create a new entity named: "MAPLE LEAFIA INC.". They make the president/prime minister as CEO, and any lessor politicians become managers. They do not work for the people... they manage the legal corporate entity FOR those that funded paying off the debt of the country for anything as the cabal wants.

What you see in this video is two people discussion a Hidden Balance Sheet in the World Bank for the different countries where it shows the assets the cabal has in GOLD in each of the different legal corporate country entities.

This goes for the United States as well when after Civil War debt was sold the London Rothchild's Bankers in the 1871 Act of England where POTUS is made CEO and Congress are managers. All the whiles these traitors receive their marching orders from people NOT of the United States.

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