Paula Loves That She Can Travel And Help Her Family Out While Her Online Business Generates Income

3 years ago

Hi I'm Darren, and I'm here with Paula, and I'm gonna ask her a couple questions about her online business. So Paula when did you start your business, and what did you do before?

I started my business in October of 2018. And what I did before, I was the regional sales manager. I had a corporate job, and I traveled all over Western Canada in the insurance industry. So I had targets and pressure, and I was away every single, not every single week, like every other week, I was away Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, BC, it was a lot.

I take it you're not doing that anymore?

No, that's actually you know one of my favorite parts of the business is, that I was able to quit my full-time job, last year.

Because I was just gonna ask you, what's your favorite thing, and I was going to ask you also, how has your life changed so far since doing this business?

So many ways, I mean it's been you and, you and Mike have been so patient with me. I had zero online experience when I started, and like all of the techie stuff, like it really is just, you know, you just follow along. And you had so much patience, and gave me the time to explain things to me. And that I'm helping other people. And of course the money. And I paid off debt, I've been on multiple vacations, I took my dad on a dream vacation to New York City, I've helped my brother, like there's just been so much. And also the learning, the ongoing learning, and that we do it together. You're never alone. And, and then we've also met up. I've been able to hang out with you guys a lot more face-to-face, even like Mexico, San Diego, Texas, like it's been great.

Oh that's awesome, thank you for giving me two minutes of your time today. I really appreciate it. t

Thank you very much
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